Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. ~ Psalm 90:12

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Ritual or Relationship

Today Susie and I braved the storm to get groceries.  It was horrible out!  I thought the weather was supposed to improve as the day went on.  At one point, we even saw glimpses of the sun, but it was all very misleading. 

Once we got to Meijer, I was certain things would improve.  We got our groceries, checked out, loaded up our cart and headed out the door.  As soon as the large doors flew open to the parking lot we were greeted by a gushing wind.  It blew a box off the bottom of our cart and into the pathway of cars.  I rescued the box and tried to keep Susie safe at the same time.  The cart was extremely hard to push because of all the snow.  Susie tried to help me push it when the box blew off again and now bottles and cans were rolling away.  Once again, I collected my groceries when another bag blew away.  By now, I had become the amusement of the parking lot crowd.  I think if people had noticed that I was nearly 9 months pregnant, maybe they would have helped me out a bit.  Unfortunately, more people thought it was entertaining than took pity on me.  I did explain to one couple who chuckled when an empty bag blew away that I didn't run after it because I was very pregnant - hoping they'd understand rather than judge me for accidentally littering.

Finally we got to the car.  Susie was very concerned about the groceries and me.  She wanted to help, but I needed her in the car where I knew she was safe.  At 9 degrees Farenhiet, even if cars wanted to stop on the icy parking lot, they couldn't.  I was huffing and puffing.  The weather was getting worse and to top if off, we weren't done getting groceries.  We had to go to the other Meijer across town to get items that weren't available at this store.

The weather continued to get worse as we filled our cart at the second store.  Thankfully it wasn't too difficult getting through the store because most people decided to stay home instead of risk life and limb on the roads.  After we checked out, we paused to bundle up and exit the store.  As I was zipping Susie's coat, she looked up at me and said, "Don't worry Mama, I prayed.  We'll be okay in the parking lot this time."

I could write a lot more.  But I think this story speaks for itself.  Being a Christian isn't about going through the rituals of attending church, praying, tithing, or doing other Christian things. Being a Christian is all about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ - our Creator, Rescuer, and God.  Certainly, I want my children to follow rules, obey, and make good choices.  But most of all, I want their hearts to be completely devoted to Jesus.  No amount of ritual could come close to having an intimate relationship with the Savior - for that is the reason that we were created.  That is the purpose of our existence.

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