Integrity - What you do in the dark when no one is looking.
At least that is what I was taught when I was younger. But the truth is, I didn't spend much time in the dark unless I was sleeping. And while I knew what integrity meant, I think a better definition would have been: Integrity: What you think inside your head by yourself. Because, lets face it, all actions begin with a thought. Wrong thoughts lead to wrong actions. And there is a whole lot of wrong thinking out in the world. Just go read what people post anonymously on the Internet and you'll see thoughts laid bare for the whole world to see.
How many stories have we read about cyber bullying and threats on twitter made specifically towards women concerning rape and worse? Recently, some of these people have been uncovered and subsequently held responsible. (Not sure what I'm referring to? You can read more here: But as I think about how this relates to parenting, I am reminded that it isn't enough to teach our children that integrity is all about actions, because it isn't. It isn't really about showing respect on the Internet either. It is about having the discipline to do what is right, even inside your head where only you and God are privy to information. That is integrity - embracing correct thinking, kicking out wrong thoughts, and determining to honor God even though only God and you will know. I want to raise children who have that kind of integrity.
2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.