This is going to be very short. My latest thought process has been on "Raising Kids for Eternity." Ever since Annie was born and I've been at home, this has been the most pressing thought on my mind. I know what I want to do, I have an idea of how to do it, but I've not been able to explain why this thought continues to persist. I'm sure many people just chalk it up to me being a little weird, or spiritual, or religions, or whatever label you want to put on it.
However, the other day a friend of mine posted this short clip by Francis Chan. I've watched a few of his clips, read a couple of his books, and generally agree with his insight. I think he's hit the nail on the head with most Christian principles. I'm sure somewhere he's made a mistake, because he's only human, but he has the gift of being able to explain things in a way that others can understand.
I wish I had that same gift. Often I have impressions from God. My spirit seems to understand what God wants me to do, but I lack the ability to articulate it to others outside of my immediate family. If I were able to express why eternity is so much on my mind, not only for me, but also for my children, this is what I would have meant to say: Francis Chan Rope Illustration
Be sure to click on the blue text above to watch the clip. :)